Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pieces of Cardstock with a picture on one side and a note on the other that everyone can read....

Postcards. You pick them up off a stand at your vacation destination to tell the folks back home that you're alive and well and having a much better time than they are, but you're either nice enough that you're still thinking of them, or you're just rubbing it in more. Anyway, (btw a lot of them usually have scantily clad women, what's up with that?)you put a little stamp on it, but there's no spot for a return address, just their address, and then you mail it. But what if there isn't enough postage on it? What do they do with it? throw it away? or mail it anyway? or do they hold it hostage on the other end until you pay that extra one cent?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

so all the water here smells and tastes like sulfur. SICK! why? it's so beyond gross. no me gusta.
Why is it that when you're late already everything goes wrong to make you even later, but when you're early you just get earlier?

Monday, May 11, 2009


I HATE!!!!!!! the people upstairs. I dont' know what it is that they do, but it sounds like they're running around doing jumping jacks and dancing late into the night. It makes it hard to sleep, and it's so noisy. and it shakes the walls and stuff. Got any ideas how to deal with this?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

QUACK! that means "Oh dear!" in duck.

Did you know ducks have tounges? There was a duck around my wagon today, that has this beak chopped off to one side! it's quick tragic looking... but he has a tounge that pokes out, and he uses it still, to eat popcorn and such! I'll try to get a picture if I can...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

so everywhere down here there's these little bugs that like... carry one while the other flies. what are those? and what the heck are they doing?
so.. lol someone just asked to see my book of mormon, and then handed it back and said it looked well used and loved. wahoo! I passed the test. lol

Friday, May 8, 2009

it should be a law that all women over a certain age must wear a bra in public. no excuses. yuck

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I know that people get sick of stuff at disney parks, but for me, nothing ever looses magic. no matter how many times I've seen it there's more to experience.

Monday, May 4, 2009

what do people from turkey speak? turkiean?
humidity is sick. I feel gross. and I'm wearing man clothes. and the bus keeps getting full before I can even get on. and I'm tired. lame sauce.
what is it about people with accents that makes you want to talk in an accent back to them?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

kneeling buses. they're pretty cool. all about making it easier to get on the bus. are we tooold or fat? oh well. it's nice when you're getting on in a skirt.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

so... why would they name a child's character pooh? seems stupid.
why when we said words wrong as kids it was encouraged to the point where we say it because they think it's cute. but then they get concerned if it continues?
okay... so what is it exactly about warm weather at a theme park that makes women dress like total whores? it was quite the shocking revelation after byu.